CRM - clients and resources management
Automation and marketing
Warehouse and inventory
Costs and reports
Online booking
Fitsys offers a customer portal and mobile application for your clients to book places online for group workouts, individual workouts, therapies and procedures.
The system is suitable not only for sports sites, but also for sites that offer laser hair removal, aesthetic procedures, massage, physiotherapy, face and body treatments, manicure classes, make-up, haircuts, etc.
Duplicate one or more reservations / classes with or without clients in them
Waiting list with automatic notifications
Non-appearance protection – registration only in the presence of a deposit, with a prepaid package or subscription, fee or taking a visit by subscription in case of non-appearance.

Mobile app with your own design
Custom mobile app with your name, logo, icon and design. Customers will only associate it with your club and brand.
Bookings with one click from your phone
Customer access to his account – signing informed consents, purchase history, reservations, subscriptions and more
Push notifications – sending news, offers, promotions, booking invitations, reminders of upcoming reservations and more than 20 automated notifications.

Clients management
Fitsys allows you to maintain a complete database for each of your customers with the ability to create custom fields and information.
Complete history of your clients, their visits, payments, subscriptions, communication
Абонаменти и пакети – стандартни абонаменти, абонаменти с кредити, абонаменти на изплащане, система за лоялност, споделяне на абонамент между клиенти, обвързване със служител, който ще изпълнява услугата, семейни и корпоративни планове
Personal discounts for a specific or group of goods and services.
Customer account – each customer has a virtual wallet that can be charged with a voucher, deposit, can be used as a credit and the customer can pay its obligations. When using a loyalty system, the money in it accumulates automatically.
Detailed customer card with custom fields – you can write and track individual workouts, equipment settings, medical problems, diseases, allergies, preferences, any information you want to keep for the client you will have available for future visits. You can create whatever fields you need for your work and for better customer service.
Email, SMS, Viber and push notifications – full communication with the clients via the software.
Direct taking photos from the phone, uploading photos and files, image editing – mainly used for before and after procedures
Access control
Fitsys system can intelligently control, according to your preferences, your access control system. You serve the customers and we manage the system without the need to use other applications or software and most importantly without any delay or waiting.
Automatic visit – successful passage through the door – takes a visit from the client’s card
Real-time control – monitor the passage through the doors and have complete information about the passing customer. Ability to connect to available cameras and take a picture as you pass through the door.
Passage fee – possibility to check the presence of a deposit in the client’s wallet and allow or prohibit passage through the door.
Resource management
With Fitsys you can also manage your resources – you can automatically block the occupied equipment or office (space), so as not to allow booking at the same time with another employee who needs the same equipment or space .


Marketing campaigns and automatic notifications
Over 25 automated notifications for customers and employees with 4 channels of receiving – SMS, Viber, Push and of course email. With Fitsys you can automate a very large part of the communication.
Reservation notifications – booking, unsubscribe, waiting on the waiting list and notification when moving from the waitng list to booking list, notification of an upcoming reservation
Reminders – it’s time for a new procedure, expiring subscription – a reminder a day or a week in advance helps you not have a pause in the renewal of package offers.
Birthday – Celebrating and congratulating your customers on their birthday, giving a discount or a gift, makes your customers loyal.
Thanksgiving email – You can configure at the end of the day anyone who uses your services to receive a personalized thank you email.
Marketing notifications and push notifications – You can send campaigns and track their success -% of open emails. If you put a link for reservations, you can track how many reservations were made and how much trougn the campaign. Send messages with promotions, marketing notifications and news.
Warehouse and inventory
The system has all the tools to manage many warehouses and products in different sites.
Detailed reports – At a glance you get information about what happened in the warehouse for certain period. Import, export, transfer to another warehouse, scrapping and used as consumables for services. All this information can be extracted in excel or pdf format and submitted for accounting.
Availability reminder – You can receive reminders when you reach a certain product levels so you don’t run out of products.
Revisions – You can make a partial (of one or more items) or a complete revision of all items in the warehouse. The revision provides you with information about the differences and the ability to automatically update the quantities in the system to the actual ones.
Consumption of consumables – When writing off goods and consumables from the warehouse, you can indicate that they were used in performing services. The system itself will deduct them from the total cost of all services and add them to the expense statement. This is a quick and convenient option to keep track of your expenses.
Orders – Fitsys calculates how much you use from each product or consumable and offers you the required quantity to order.

Fitsys is integrated with:
Cash register and POS terminal chatbot – 24/7 ability to take bookings bia online chatbot that can offer services, free slots and create a reservation in Fitsys calendar.
Woocommerce – two-way connection between Woocommerce and Fitsys, so that all quantities are up to date. All information for the sale goes from Woocommerce to Fitsys system.
Telephone exchange – when a customer calls, open his account with one click or create a new account with 1 click.
Google Calendar – all your employees can connect their Google Calendar with Fitsys so that all bookings can go directly to their personal calendar
Sending SMS (wit status send/ delivered) and Viber (with status send / delivered / seen) trough the system
Sending emails using Mailgun (with status send,delivered,seen)
Export of products quantities and warehouse movements in the form used by workflow. Working on connectiong with Ajur and S Office.
Integration with Facebook pixel
Integration with Google Analytics
Integration with Stripe – online payments – future integration
Integration with Mailchimp – future feature


Without cost control, no business will last long or at least will not reach its full potential.
Automated calculation of part of the costs – Fitsys itself calculates some of the direct costs such as commissions, the cost of services and products, as well as the cost of the consumables used.
Easy input – The introduction of new costs is done with minimal effort.
Consumables cost – Fitsys offers three modes of discharging consumables from the warehouse when performing procedures. Automatic, semi-automatic and manual. Use one of them or a combination. We have made it as easy as possible to maintain accurate quantities in the warehouse. Each of your services that uses consumables can be set up to automatically deduct consumables when performing it, as well as to edit their quantities for a particular reservation.
Reports and analyses
Fitsys has a number of reports ready to be used for business decisions. All reports can be exported to Excel for easier processing, as well as filtered by any criteria, so you can quickly evaluate your business and its development.
Sending an SMS or email – when an important event occurs for you, which you specify, for example, an operator made a big discount, you receive a real-time notification at the time of sale – by email or SMS.
Automatic sending of reports and analyzes
Income – expense report
Products report
Comissions report
Subscriptions and visits reports
Graphs and diagrams – comparison by different periods
Export in excel